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Sunday, June 27, 2010

opening up

This morning a fine dew was covering the whole landscape.

Watching the sparkles in the droplets on green leaves made me recognize some closed poppies.

Like sparkles in the beautiful eyes your are looking at; creating anticipation for what is to come out. What is in there ? Waiting for a message to arrive from deep inside; can we be patient?

We often behave like flowers, at times with some sparkles on the outside, staying closed yet full of promises. The right circumstances let us open up and blossom. We could call it synchronicity (blog of May 25). Should we perhaps try to bloom / flourish on our own?

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The messages from inside

Harry Frankfurt (see reading list) wrote an essay "the importance of what we care about". I often think: What do I really care about? We all have a messages inside that want to come out and perhaps define what we really care about. This in turn somehow defines us; makes us who we are. Such thoughts come freely when seeing a photograph like this one (on a greeting card) :
the man obviously knows what is important
What a particular person cares about is at times not so easy to detect. The tell tale signs given or messages sent often resemble rather subtle hints and much energy is spent to obfuscate. Unlike what happens among fireflies I encountered last night. A lot of sophisticated development went into the creation of a metabolic pathway that can produce light and the message from inside is simple and clear: "I am over here!". Hoping that someone cares.
Our messages come from deep inside; they want out; yet often we try to take control, add filters or translations in order to influence the receiver / reader. I wonder why ?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

eggs inside

All night a beautifully quiet, warm, and steady rain created a greenhouse atmosphere. A morning walk with my umbrella (see foot note*) gave me a look at many reptiles and amphibia. Black water snakes were crossing the path in persuit of prey. Looking at these fat females made me think of their beautiful inside (tube within a tube).

The eggs inside their full uteri will hatch (ovo-vivipar) and the small "worms" will be born live.

*Why do the English call a protection from rain an umbrella (umbra = shade) ?
in other languages there is a clear distinction for a cover from rain like "Regen Schirm" versus "Sonnen Schirm" or "parapluie" versus "para sol" etc.
I think the British went for holidays in Italy and needed to have protection from the sun. The Italians gave them umbrellas. Once back home they discovered that they were useful in the perpetual rain as well. They never needed to make a distinction between sun and rain.

Monday, June 7, 2010

inside removed

This is the first time I see a larger dragonfly catch a smaller one and devouring it. Before I could take the picture I saw how the predator diligently removed the head of its prey. The large faceted eyes just rolled off the leaf.

dragon fly holding its prey and removing the inside

the dust on the insect and on the leaf is pollen from pines:
"Yellow rain" !.

Friday, June 4, 2010

why a veterinary pathologist

there are many reasons for wanting to be a veterinary pathologist.
curiosity is a major one.
Pathology is a window to life ! presentation


mornings are fresh beginnings, an new encounter>>> another chance to do it right. This reminds me of looking forward to meeting someone you have lot to tell to; you are thinking about the important thoughts you want to share and then you don't for unknown reasons. You missed another chance, was it your last?
Every morning could be your last chance; enjoy it. Every one you meet, it could be for the last time. There is no reason to procrastinate and hoping for another 'morning'
Sometimes the eyes are open for positive impressions. This morning, while driving to work, I caught a glimpse of the river ...

and there is good News: The morning dew makes spider webs visible.
A lot of webs along the road >>> a rather healthy environment after all !